With the boom in sharing economy business models, many of your clients are likely renting out their primary or secondary home, often unaware of lodging taxes, or are handling them incorrectly. Lodging taxes can present pitfalls that can trip up even the most seasoned accountant. Join this session where we’ll highlight several common mistakes, “gotchas” and developments in the burgeoning short term rental market, so that you can be sure that you’re addressing these taxes correctly.
"This couldn't be more timely. Some of our tax clients are trying out renting a room or house through Airbnb. Knowing the tax implications extend to local and state lodging taxes helps us advise our clients. All the things to consider!"barbara, FL
"Thank you so much for the info packed webinar. I just picked up a new client with Air BNB in Vegas, Ill,Wisconsin. Rents her own places and looks like no Lodging taxes collected nor sent in. I really needed this seminar."Jeff, MA
"He was very clear and easy to understand. I am now much more aware of issues that I need to consider for some of my clients that rent out their homes."Michael, MO
"I greatly appreciate this overview. It is very helpful in getting a handle on how things are continuing to evolve. Thank you."KELLI, CA
"Very informative! Clients now are all renting via AirBNB etc and not realizing/understanding these tax issues."Jan, AL
"Excellent details I had not thought about -- al the varying jurisdictional taxes. Excellent presentation"Karine, OR
"This is a valuable resource to which I will refer clients. They're always confused about lodging taxes."Kathy, WA
"Have not had a great deal of experience with lodging taxes so this was a good webinar to attend."
General Manager MyLodgeTax
(855) 259-3274
Expert for the rapidly growing short-term lodging marketplace, Rob Stephens co-founded Avalara MyLodgeTax in 2002 out of his own necessity to understand and manage hotel tax compliance with his rental property. Avalara MyLodgeTax is a leading provider of tax compliance solutions for the vacation rental and travel industries. Avalara MyLodgeTax simplifies compliance and manages the licenses and hotel occupancy tax filings for thousands of vacation rental owners and managers across the United States. Since starting, the MyLodgeTax product offering has grown to including lodging tax solutions for large multibillion-dollar hotel and travel companies. Rob’s passion and know-how with complicated lodging tax compliance in the travel industry has presented him with regular speaking engagements at industry events.